Canzine 2015

Canzine 2015 PosterWe’ve already mentioned it once, and we don’t want to hit you over the head with it, but Canzine 2015 is going to be pretty cool, and if you’re going to be there we’d love to meet you.

So, just a reminder that Canzine is a one-day festival of ‘zine culture and the independent arts.

If you’re in Toronto, and able to make it, you’ll have the chance to meet two of our editors, Nico Mara-McKay (Psyche) and Jenna Danchuk (Hathormetic), who be presenting on and participating in a panel titled “Magick and the Occult in the Independent Arts.”

We’ll be chatting about the role of magick, divination, witchcraft and the occult in our work and practices and in ‘zine culture at large.

Canzine 2015 takes place today, Saturday, October 17th from 1-7 pm at the Art Gallery of Ontario in Toronto. Which is pretty nifty in and of itself. Who doesn’t love the AGO?

The “Magick and the Occult in the Independent Arts” panel starts at 2 pm, and we’d love to chat with you before or after. Maybe we can grab a pint at the Village Idiot across the street?

There is no fee for entry; it’s totally free. We look forward to meeting you!