Spiral Nature Linkage for Friday, 1 June 2018

Magick linkage

Tattoos as talismans for the reclamation of self. For more on this idea, also see “Sacred tattoos: Temporary skin, permanent mark,” by Xenia.

Can you explore multiple traditions within the same practice? Chaos magick says, Yes, of course, but Donyae Coles reminds us to be respectful of how we do so in “Working with multiple pantheons: A beginner’s guide.”

Not all witchcraft tools appear in your average grimoire.

That said, if you want to make your grimoire look fancy insnide, here are some of Benebell Wen’s design tips. Of course, Michael Reese has some practical tips too, in “Why you should keep a magical journal.”

Thoughts on the Sola Busca Tarot. Also check out Marjorie Jensen’s review of the Tarocchi Sola Busca.

What is magick, anyway? For other answers, see our collection of quotes answering the question, “What is magick?

Confidence in a magical and spiritual context.

On awareness of the body in magick. For more, see “Adding movement and energy to your magical practice” by Chrysanthemum White Alder.

Spirituality linkage

How the Wheel of the Year works in the southern hemisphere.

A retelling of the Judgement of Paris. For the Discordian view, see “Eris and the apple of discord,” by Psyche.

Most Pagan gatherings could use more organization. Here are some things to consider. Also, see “Pagan community,” by Psyche.

How familiar are you with Polyphemus?

What does your devotional practice look like? For another take, see “Satanism in music and devotional practice” by Marie RavenSoul.

In discussions of religion, not all labels are helpful.

Occulture linkage

On Rosaleen Norton and occult art in Australia.

The Doreen Valiente Foundation is now a registered charity within the United Kingdom.

Queer folks love cryptozoology.

Is the term “black magick” racist?

Review linkage

Aspecting the Goddess reviewed.

A review of Tarot in Wonderland.

The Northern Dawn: Vol. 1 reviewed.

A review of A Latin Picture Dictionary for Everyone: Lingua Latina depicta.

A review of Ritual Matters: Material Remains and Ancient Religion.

Call for submission

Our reviewer newsletter went out today, and our writer’s call for pitches will be out shortly. Are you on our mailing list? Also, if you’re interested in pitching, please see below. We love discovering new writers, as well as publishing those who are more experienced. Deadline: Ongoing. Payment: $10.

Bonus linkage

A Pagan editor laments about unsuitable pitches, and this editor relates to the point of headdesk.

We absolutely adore pitches, new writers are wonderful, and they can bring really interesting and insightful ideas to the table. However, there are some things we don’t cover, and if you’re at all familiar with the magazine, you’ll already know that.

We’ve created so many guides to help new people through the process of writing a professional pitch:

Some of these are specific to our publication, but most of them apply wherever you’re pitching to — from other occult journals to The New York Times, this is pretty much how it goes.

If there’s anything else we can do to help, please let us know.