Tarot spread, by Aquarian Insight

1. Take your own Fool’s Journey

This guided meditation is designed to help you make an intuitive connection to the cards as you embark on your tarot journey.

Take your tarot deck in your hands, get into a comfortable seated position, and keep an open mind as you enter into this meditation.

Remember there is no wrong way to follow a guided visualization.

When you are done, take a few minutes and journal about your experience:

  1. What kind of totem showed up for you? Research its significance, and learn about how its power may support you in these lessons.
  2. What message do you get in answer to the question, “What is one thing that I need to know about working with tarot?”
  3. What message do you get in answer to the question, “How can I connect to the tarot deck I have with me today?
  4. What other observations do you have about your meditation?

2. Start making your own intuitive connections to the cards

Take out your tarot journal and your tarot deck. Find the first 11 cards of the major arcana.

The card definitions we’ve provided are just a basic overview of the what the first cards of the major arcana mean.

While it might feel a bit overwhelming to start applying your own insights to the cards, it’s the best way to get to know tarot. Starting out by making intuitive connections to the symbols you see will help you build a strong connection to your deck, and you might surprise yourself by how much you can read in one card.

It’s also the best way to begin developing your own language around tarot. When you’re just starting out, you might be worried about getting all of the meanings of the cards “right.” There are a lot of amazing tarot books and other resources out there, but a lot of beginners can end up adopting other people’s descriptions of the cards.

Eventually, it can feel like you’re repeating what you’ve learned rather than standing strong in your own interpretations and understandings of tarot. So don’t be afraid to put each meaning in your own words.

And remember that this is a process that will unfold in time. If a card doesn’t speak to you right away, you can always come back to it later and try to work with it again.

0. The Fool

  • What do you feel when you look at the Fool?
  • Where do you think the Fool is going?
  • How can you relate to the Fool? Think of a time when you felt like you were starting over, or embarking on a new chapter in your life.
  • Who do you think embodies the spirit of the Fool? This card has a “seize the day” quality to it. Think of a friend, family member, or fictional character you might associate with the Fool, and explain why.
  • What keyword(s) might you attach to this card?

1. The Magician

  • What stands out most to you when you look at this card?
  • What do magicians mean to you?
  • What kind of power do you think this Magician holds?
  • How can you relate to the Magician you see here? Choose one of your strengths, skills, or talents, and what happened when you started to embrace it.
  • What keyword(s) might you attach to this card?

2. The High Priestess

  • How do you feel when you look at the High Priestess?
  • What kind of secrets do you think she holds?
  • What do you connect with most of this card?
  • How can you relate to the High Priestess? Think of a time when you either ignored your intuition, or listened to it, and what happened as a result.
  • What keyword(s) might you attach to this card?

3. The Empress

  • What do you think the Empress is capable of?
  • If you met the Empress in person, what do you think she would be like?
  • What kind of world do you think she lives in?
  • The Empress encourages you to write your own story in life. How can you relate to her message? Think of a time when you decided to take control of your destiny.
  • What keyword(s) might you attach to this card?

4. The Emperor

  • What is your first impression of the Emperor?
  • If you met the Emperor, what do you think would be most important to this person?
  • If you worked for the Emperor, what kind of boss do you think they would be?
  • How can you relate to this card? Think of a time when you worked hard to reach a goal, or when you were asked to take on more responsibility.
  • What keyword(s) might you attach to this card?

5. The Hierophant

  • What kind of knowledge do you think the Hierophant has?
  • How do you feel when you look at this card?
  • Compare the High Priestess and the Hierophant side by side. How are they similar, and how are they different?
  • How can you relate to this card? Think of a person who has led or mentored you who might remind you of the Hierophant’s energy.
  • What keyword(s) might you attach to this card?

6. The Lovers

  • What do you think of when you look at this card?
  • How might you connect this card to love and relationships?
  • What might you say about this card outside of love and relationships? What else do you see here?
  • How can you relate to the Lovers? Think of a time when you were at a fork in the road. How did it feel, and what did you do about it?
  • What keyword(s) might you attach to this card?

7. The Chariot

  • What stands out to you the most about this card?
  • What does the Chariot represent to you as a symbol? Do some research of your own if it helps!
  • What kind of story do you see taking place in this card, and what do you think the outcome will be?
  • How can you relate to the Chariot? Think of a time when you were working hard towards something and encountered an obstacle or setback that threatened your success.
  • What keyword(s) might you attach to this card?

8. Strength

  • How do you feel when you look at this card?
  • What kind of fears have held you back, or made you feel stuck, and what did you do to overcome them?
  • Who in your life do you think embodies the message of the Strength card?
  • What kind of motto could you associate with this card? Choose some of your favourite sayings or quotes, or make up one of your own.
  • What keyword(s) might you attach to this card?

9. The Hermit

  • What do you think the Hermit is doing in your card?
  • What do you think would be most important to the Hermit?
  • What symbols and colours stand out for you most here, and why?
  • How can you relate to the Hermit? Have you ever taken time to do some soul searching, or to contemplate your life’s purpose?
  • What keyword(s) might you attach to this card?

10. The Wheel of Fortune

  • What kind of impression do you get from this card?
  • What does the term “Wheel of Fortune” mean to you?
  • What kind of experiences can you relate to the Wheel of Fortune? When did a lucky break come your way, or a risk pay off?
  • If the Wheel of Fortune represented a person in your life, who might it be? Think of someone whose luck seems to turn on a dime.
  • What keyword(s) might you attach to this card?