Spiral Nature Linkage for Friday, 25 May 2018Magick linkage

Get naked during the dark moon.

Brief notes on the numbered cards in tarot.

How can you tell if what you’re consuming about magick is true, or merely bunk? Also see “Beyond the books,” by Psyche.

A spiral labyrinth ritual for change. I love it.

Yeah, there are differences between magick and prayer. Lots of ’em.

The bridge spread for tarot, in practice.

How to craft a witch’s besom. For more tips on crafting ritual tools, also see “How to craft a wand,” by Jarred Triskelion.

Spirituality linkage

It’s important to be inclusive when discussing the body in spiritual circles. Body shape and size is something that’s also often taken for granted, and Donyae Coles breaks this down in “How to talk about health and magick, shame-free.

What is it like to work with trickster gods?

Do you have familiar spirits? What is your relationship with them like? On a related note, see “Pet magick: Keeping animals safe and respected,” by Donyae Coles.

Grounding techniques can be super practical, or a little more involved, as Xi O’Teaz outlines.

On the importance of addressing the racist ideology adopted by some Heathens. For more, see “Racism in magical communities,” by Donyae Coles.

Occulture linkage

Adam Parfrey, the publisher behind Feral House, has died.

A brief look at stick hexes in popular culture.

Mary K. Greer interviews Melissa Cynova, creator of the Kitchen Table Tarot.

A round up of faery resources online.

Interested in learning more about John Dee, the Elizabethan magician and influence behind the nascent British Empire?

Reviews linkage

Stones, Bones and the Sacred: Essays on Material Culture and Religion reviewed.

A review of Yoginis: Sex, Death and Possession in Early Tantras.

A Century of Miracles: Christians, Pagans, Jews, and the Supernatural reviewed.

Calls for submission

Moon Meet 2018, a meet up of Atheopagans, has put out a call for 90-minute workshops. The gathering will take place 24-26 August 2018 in Sonoma County, USA. Deadline: Unclear.

Bonus linkage

May is masturbation month, and these tips on masturbation could help improve your sex magick.