Linkage, chain background image by Faramarz Hashemi


Magicians, make thy beds.

The pros and (mostly) cons of giving free readings when you’re a professional tarot reader — and how to better direct those requests into paying gigs.

Numerology, soul numbers, dating, and…Star Wars?

On cripple magick. (And yes, that term is a self-identified term of the author.)

What’s in a name?


Five things you can learn from Pagans.

Ancient Greek theatres created in honour of Dionysus.

On leader burnout in Paganism.

Why meditation should be taught in schools.


Context for the ’70s Pagan classic album, Songs for the Old Religion.

The history of the two major modern factions of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, and why everyone should respect Israel Regardie.

What we can learn from classical Greeks.

Thanks to shows like Game of Thrones and Vikings, Paganism is at the top of pop culture right now — and the portrayals are mostly positive.

Dangerous New Age myths.

An interview with Gordon Kennedy about the recent rerelease of Children of the Sun.

On the artwork of Alessia Iannetti.


Manual of Psychomagic reviewed.

A review of A Kitchen Witch’s World of Magical Food.

Jane Eyre’s Sisters reviewed.

A review of the film The Sisterhood of Night.

Benebell Wen reviews Tarot Mucha. (Our review here.)

A review of Pagan Dreaming.