Robert Anton WilsonPrometheus Rising, by Robert Anton WilsonPrometheus Rising, by Robert Anton Wilson
New Falcon Publications, 1561840564, September 1992

Where do you begin? This book is, in essence, an examination of Timothy Leary‘s eight-circuit model of consciousness. However, along the way of exploration, it also calls into question many other different ways of looking at the world. It contains a series of exercises designed to help you understand the import of the eight-circuit model, with each set of exercises building on the last. It would make sense to read this book through once, and then re-read it at each stage, stopping to perform each set of exercises.

If you’re looking for a detailed examination of the model, it’s a decent book, but it’s also well worth looking up Leary’s own thoughts on the subject because Wilson is essentially concentrating on getting you to apply the model more so than explain it in detail or trying to prove it to you.

Prometheus Rising is an entertaining read, and should open your eyes a little along the way too. At the very least, it could widen your reality tunnels a little further, and at best could turn your understanding of the world around you inside out and upside down.