Spiral Nature Linkage for Friday, 28 December 2018


A queer Pagan reading list from Yvonne Aburrow.

Phil Hine continues his series on the influence of Theosophy on contemporary occultism.

A look at folklore from around the world regarding snow queens and winter witches.

Mat Auryn interviews Jaclyn Cherie about Luciferain Witchcraft.

A look at the origins of the witch’s gingerbread house. (Yum)

Benebell Wen asks if there really is such a thing as a Pagan community.

Hans Trapp is a French child-eating scarecrow and that sounds awesome.


Plant magick with birch trees.

The magick of mistletoe.

On using recorded music in ritual.

Advice on how to stay grounded, even as you use divination.

A brief guide to getting started on your own magical path. See also “Creating your altar: A beginner’s guide” by Donyae Coles.

Jason Miller recommends that if you want to stay on track in 2019, find a workbook that will work for you. Personally, I bought Benebell Wen’s customized 2019 Metaphysician’s and Metaphysical Day Planner (not an affiliate link — I just think it’s cool), and I’m planning to give the bullet journal method a go for the first time. (Wish me luck!)


So, like, do Pagans actually have a war on Christmas?

On initiation in the Eleusinian Mysteries. See also “Why initiation matters” by Vincent Ongkowidjojo.

A Pagan perspective on what it means to forgive.

On Chaos, a primal deity.


Wicca Made Easy reviewed.

A review of Sigil Witchery.

The Witches’ Almanac 38 Spring 2019 to Spring 2020: Animals: Friends and Familiars reviewed.

A review of Essential Oils for Emotional Well Being.

Elfhame’s Children reviewed.

A review of Magic for the Resistance: Rituals and Spells for Change.

Occult Features of Anarchism reviewed.

A review of the John Bauer Tarot.

The Numinous Tarot reviewed.

Calls for submission

The Pomegranate: The International Journal of Pagan Studies has put out a call for academic papers on digital Paganism and digital occultism. Compensation: None. Deadline: Unclear.

Bonus linkage

If you do holiday stockings, do you put oranges in them? We always have. It’s always seemed like one of those traditional things like mixed nuts and wrapped chocolate. (And what’s wrong with socks? Socks are awesome.) What do you do?