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Tag: Spirituality

Review: Spirit of the Witch, by Raven Grimassi (2)

Spirit of the Witch: Religion & Spirituality in Contemporary Witchcraft, by Raven Grimassi Llewellyn Publications, 0738703389, 264 pp. (incl. bibliography), 2003 While there is no...


Sometimes a blade dedicated to Oggoun is sworn on and kissed for justice Workings.

Henge of Keltria

What is the Henge of Keltria? The Henge of Keltria is an organization dedicated to the positive, life affirming spiritual path of Neo-Pagan Druidism we...

Review: Lammas, by Anna Franklin

Lammas: Celebrating the Fruits of the First Harvest, by Anna Franklin Llewellyn Publications, 0738700940, 216 pp. (+ appendices, glossary, bibliography and index), 2003 In a...

Review: Midsummer, by Anna Franklin

Midsummer: Magical Celebrations of the Summer Solstice, by Anna Franklin Llewellyn Publications, 0738700525, 173 pp (+ appendices, glossary, bibliography and index), 2003 One of the...

Review: Spirit of the Witch, by Raven Grimassi (1)

Spirit of the Witch: Religion & Spirituality in Contemporary Witchcraft, by Raven Grimassi Llewellyn Publications, 0738703389, 264 pp. (incl. bibliography), 2003 "Being a Witch is,...

Review: A Witch’s Book of Answers, by Eileen Holland and Cerelia

A Witch's Book of Answers, by Eileen Holland and Cerelia Red Wheel/Weiser, 1578632803, 355 pp. (+ afterword, notes & bibliography, 2003 If you are an experienced...

Judeo-Christianity and chaos magick

The chaote is free to adopt any system (s)he so pleases and deconstruct it on whim. It is generally considered taboo for any chaote...


Adiri: Melanesian dead go to Adiri, the Land of the Dead. Some say it is an island, others say that it is a mountain located...

Review: Rebels and Devils, edited by Christopher S. Hyatt

Rebels & Devils: The Psychology of Liberation, edited by Christopher S. Hyatt New Falcon, 1561841536, 428 pp., 1996, 2000 Rebels and Devils is a collection of...

Review: The Wicca Handbook, by Eileen Holland

The Wicca Handbook, by Eileen Holland Red Wheel/Weiser, 1578631351, 282 pp. (+ bibliography, index of spells & index), 2000 Some things are hot button item for...

Review: Aradia or The Gospel of the Witches, by Charles Godfrey...

Aradia, or The Gospel of the Witches, by Charles Godfrey, Leland, introduced by A.J. Drew New Page Books, 160 pp., 2003 It is primarily in the...

Weekly Horoscope

Occultnik Cabal



Tattoo Tarot, illustrated by Megamunden

Tattoo Tarot