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Tag: north atlantic books

Reimagining Death by Lucinda Herring

Reimagining Death, by Lucinda Herring

A book about consciously living and consciously dying, Reimagining Death by Lucinda Herring is something I will draw on for years.
Tibetan Shamanism by Larry Peters, reviewed at Spiral Nature

Tibetan Shamanism, by Larry Peters

Tibetan Shamanism is an anthropologist’s work based on decades of study and first-hand experience living with shamans.

Radical Dharma, by Rev. angel Kyodo williams

Radical Dharma is about navigating race and gender in the western Buddhist community, but also about challenging these issues in western culture as a whole.
A Cree Healer and His Medicine Bundle, by David Young, et al.

A Cree Healer and His Medicine Bundle, by David Young, et...

A Cree Healer and His Medicine Bundle provides a first-hand account of Russel Willier's journey, his beliefs, practices, and a record of herb-collecting.
Holistic Tarot, by Benebell Wen

Holistic Tarot, by Benebell Wen

While it recognizes earlier meanings, Holistic Tarot moves beyond familiar designations for cards and spreads, providing clearer interpretations.
Benebell Wen

A chat with Benebell Wen about analytic tarot

In this chat, we talk about Benebell Wen's first deck, fortune telling, Eden Gray's influence, and reading tarot for teddy bears.

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Tattoo Tarot, illustrated by Megamunden

Tattoo Tarot