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Tag: Paganism

May pole, photo by Amelia Wells

Beltane: Dancing with the faery folk

One of the four major fire festivals of the Wiccan Wheel of the Year, Beltane symbolizes birth and fertility.
Beltane, by Melanie Marquis

Beltane, by Melanie Marquis

Beltane: Rituals, Recipes and Lore for May Day is a perfect guide to ignite the spark of creativity, of growth, of love and of promise.
Bunny, photo by Benson Kua

Ostara: Welcoming the fecund earth

Ostara is associated with the Earth’s renewal and fertility after the long winter.
Animal Messengers, by Regular Meyers

Animal Messengers, by Regula Meyer

Animal Messengers may be a useful resource for anyone interested in wildlife and symbol and synchronicity. Its entries are meant to prompt personal inquiry and self-realization.
Lambs in the sun, photo by Andy Rothwell

Imbolc: Lambs, light and the Feast of Brigid

Coming next in the Wheel of the Year after Yule, the return of the light, is Imbolc on February 2, the time of renewal and preparation.
Imbolc, by Carl F Neal

Imbolc, by Carl F. Neal

Imbolc: Rituals, Recipe & Lore for Brigid’s Day is a small book packed with information for Imbolc and beyond.
Pagan Ways Tarot, by Anna Franklin

Pagan Ways Tarot

The Pagan Ways Tarot is a wonderful and rich source of knowledge for the Pagan tarot reader.
Tree, photo by subflux

Heathenry and Anglo-Saxon cosmology

Anglo-Saxon Heathenry is sometimes called Fyrnsidu, and is a nebulous and lesser-understood branch of Germanic cultural Heathenry.
Practical Astrology for Witches and Pagans, by Ivo Dominguez Jr

Practical Astrology for Witches and Pagans, by Ivo Dominguez Jr

Practical Astrology for Witches and Pagans is a book to grow with.
Red rope, photo by Turbo Beagle

Kink Magic, by Taylor Ellwood and Lupa

In Kink Magic: Sex Magic Beyond Vanilla, Taylor Ellwood and Lupa magick and kinky sex, and present a perspective on the topic that is the right mix of serious and light-hearted.
Yule log, photo by Brian Colson

Yule: Lighting up the night

Yule or the winter solstice -- December 21 or 22 in the northern hemisphere -- was celebrated as the point of survival through half the winter.
The Morrigan, by Morgan Daimler

The Morrigan, by Morgan Daimler

With this publication, Morgan Daimler has written a thorough and extensively researched book on the great Irish goddess of battle, the Morrigan.

Weekly Horoscope

Occultnik Cabal



Tattoo Tarot, illustrated by Megamunden

Tattoo Tarot