Hidden Insights for 12 March 2017

Hidden Insights start the week off with a Full Moon in Virgo today, Sunday, 12 March 2017. You might want to think back to any themes, decisions, or changes that occurred back in September when the New Moon in Virgo arrived.

Today’s Moon is also called a Storm Moon. March can be like that. It brings unpredictable weather, despite the onset of spring. In like a lion, out like a lamb, right?

But what does the Moon mean when it works through the energies of earthy, nurturing Virgo? Virgo is anything but chaotic. This is grounded energy that can help bring out insights around how we care for ourselves and others.

It can also be a good time to look at where you need tighten up your ship, or perhaps let go of the controls a little bit.

What can help to further ground some of the energy we’ve been feeling — especially if you are sensitive to the depths of Pisces season — is that Mars moved into Taurus just a few days ago, and Mercury will move into Aries on Monday, March 13.

Mars’ action-oriented energy will have the chance to settle and simmer in the slow and steady realm of Taurus, while Mercury emerges from the watery depths of Pisces into the fast-thinking world of Aries.

Here’s a look at what’s coming up for your sign this week:

Aries (21 March — 19 April)

Last week, I advised you to remember to breathe. Well, Aries, I think that this week is going to bring a much-needed sacred pause to your world. But — and isn’t there always a but? — this is a short-lived reprieve in which you can actually slow down for a second. Take whatever break you can get in the coming days, my fiery friend. Aries season is just around the corner and you want to be in fine form for that.

To connect with the Virgo Full Moon: Slow down a bit: Take a break, choose tea instead of coffee, find a quiet yoga class, turn off your devices and just be still.

Taurus (20 April — 20 May)

They say home is where the heart is and I think that’s certainly a mantra you could take up this week, Taurus. But don’t just fall into the same routines once you’re there. Look around you: Does your home base reflect your currently reality? Does it give you the security and comfort you need? Sanctify your space this week. Replicate the magic you see in the world.

To connect with the Virgo Full Moon: Eat a home-cooked meal by candlelight, without distraction. Be present with your food and your thoughts.

Gemini (21 May — 20 June)

Pay attention to any breakthroughs this week, Gemini. They can start to come through as Mercury moves into Aries on Monday, 13 March 2017. This is especially important for you as it will help you begin to piece together a few things you might have been trying to move through this year. But as Mercury shifts gears, those breakthroughs might be heard as whispers at first, so don’t be too quick to dismiss your intuition.

To connect with the Virgo Full Moon:
Clear your head with a guided meditation and try to get to bed earlier than usual.

Cancer (21 June — 22 July)

What’s your work flow like these days, Cancer? Are you continuously pushing yourself to the limit, or are you consciously taking the time to unwind and relax now and then? This week’s Virgo Full Moon may have a particularly potent effect on you, especially when it comes to looking at the expectations you place on yourself, as well as expectations you believe have been imposed upon you.

To connect with the Virgo Full Moon: Stare into a mirror long and hard and ask yourself what you need right now.       

Leo (23 July — 22 August)

How scattered have you been lately? You might have so many options, ideas, and obligations tugging at you from every which way that you’re not sure what your true priorities are. Today’s Full Moon can give you the chance to regain some control, Leo. Throughout the week, try to untangle yourself from things you might have gotten unnecessarily caught up in.

To connect with the Virgo Full Moon: Make a list of everything that’s on your mind right now. Stare it all in the face and get clear on what’s most important to you.

Virgo (23 August — 22 September)

Happy Full Moon, Virgo! You might really be swimming into some interesting waters this week. Try not to restrain yourself too much. Surrender. Go with what feels right. Let yourself move forward without looking at life so literally. There is poetry waiting for you on the other side, Virgo, but this week you have to be the one to lift the veil in order to see it.

To connect with the Virgo Full Moon: Do something that you never allow yourself to do.      

Libra (23 September — 22  October)

What centres you, Libra? What do you have at the end of the day that you know you can always fall back on no matter what? If you don’t know the answer, this is the week to begin to figure it out. It’s time to look at what you consider to be safe, sacred, and stabilizing for you — not anyone else. If you aren’t keeping these structures in place for yourself already, it’s time to ask why.

To connect with the Virgo Full Moon: Bathe in candlelight.

Scorpio (23 October — 21 November):

Floodgates. That’s what I see for you right now, Scorpio. Could everything you touch turn to gold this week? Could every door you want to open suddenly swing wide for you? I can’t give you a magick wand, but I do think that it would be in your best interest to see how you might be able to wield your power of manifestation in the days ahead.1

To connect with the Virgo Full Moon: Write down all the ways in which you feel powerful.

Sagittarius (22 November — 22 December)

What kind of stride are you hitting right now, Sag? Where do you feel strong, confident, and optimistic? Ride those vibes. They are currents pulling you downstream. When we pay attention to what feels good and right, we start to get in sync with our future selves. Based on your current state of being, who do you think you are in the process of becoming? If you don’t like the answer, this is the time to change it.

To connect with the Virgo Full Moon: Go for a walk, preferably in nature, if the option is there. Go alone, with just your thoughts to listen to.2

Capricorn (22 December — 19 January)

Last week, we talked about a light off in the distance. That’s still where you need to keep your focus, Capricorn. Especially this week, because I think you might feel a bit depleted. But the Virgo Full Moon will help to give you some solid, healing energy — just make sure you’re allowing yourself to listen to it. Slow down. It’s okay to rest. The hustle will still be there tomorrow.

To connect with the Virgo Full Moon: Give in to what your body wants.

Aquarius (20 January — 18 February)

Where do you want to push things further, Aquarius? I feel like the concepts you can create and the changes you can birth throughout the coming year are going to begin with soft, subtle shifts. Pay attention to your inner urges. You are connecting to a deeper knowing this week. Nurture it.

To connect with the Virgo Full Moon: Journal for a full 20 minutes. Let yourself really speak. Get under your own surface.3

Pisces (19 February — 20 March)

Ready to come down to earth, Pisces? We’re in the final stretch of the Sun’s visit to your sign. This is a good week for you to start taking inventory of the past month: Where do you need a reality check? Where do you need more space to dream? Where do you need to revise your plans between now and your next birthday? The Moon is bringing you an important message about how to get things moving.

To connect with the Virgo Full Moon:
Set a glass of water on your windowsill overnight, when the Moon is full. Drink it down in the morning to ground your energy and get focused.

  1. Ed. note: That said, if you are interested in magick wands, check out Jarred Triskelion’s article, “How to craft a wand.” []
  2. Ed. note: Yes, even urbanites can do this. Check out Samantha Bell’s article, “5 ways to connect with nature as an urban Pagan.” []
  3. Ed. note: Check out Michael Reese’s article, “Why you should keep a magical journal” for inspiration. []