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Submission Guidelines

These guidelines concern essays, articles, personal reflections, biographies, interviews and related material. For the guidelines concerning media reviews, please see the Review Submission Guidelines.


What sort of material are you looking for?
What will not be accepted?
Information regarding copyrights
How it will appear on the site?
What format should I use to submit something?
When will it be up?
Changes and removal

What sort of material are you looking for?

  • Any original articles pertaining to philosophy, specific philosophers, philosophic thought, etc.
  • Any original articles pertaining to religion, spirituality, insights, personal reflections, etc.
  • Any original articles pertaining to the occult, magick, magickal techniques, magickal (previously established or personal) systems, magickal orders, personal experiences with magick, etc.
  • Any original articles pertaining to divination, tarot, runes, scrying, etc.
  • FAQs pertaining to anything relating to the above qualify.
  • Rituals and spells will be accepted if they are well written and are accompanied by commentary.
  • Reflections on your personal magickal experience, or your experience in an working order or alternative religious affiliation, etc.
  • Interviews or biographies concerning the life of someone relevant to philosophical, spiritual, or magickal topics.

If you have something you'd like to contribute that's not on this list, but you feel it may still be useful, go ahead and submit it anyway, I'll let you know if I think it qualifies.

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What will not be accepted?

  • Anything material I know to be plagiarized will not be accepted. If I later discover that an article you have submitted you have plagiarized I reserve the right to remove it without notice.
  • Anything that is poorly written, unoriginal, or that I consider dull will not likely be published here.
  • If your article is overly difficult to understand, if there are excessive spelling and/or grammatical errors, or the same thing has been said many times before and your take on it does not shed any new light it won't be accepted. However, if there is potential in an article that fits some of the above description, I may accept it and help you work on it regardless. But please don't count on that as your only means of getting an article published here.

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Information regarding copyrights

You will retain full copyright to the content of any original article or graphic you submit. Which means if you want to publish it elsewhere you are free to do so; however, Spiral Nature should be identified as the first published venue for the piece.


© Copyright 2007 Jayne Smith, first published on SpiralNature.com February 2007.

Please note that I retain all rights regarding the design, look and feel of Spiral Nature: you have no right to copy these aspects elsewhere without my express written permission.

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How it will appear on the site?

When I add your article to Spiral Nature it will follow the same general design present on all pages found within Spiral Nature, including a link back to the category or categories your article is listed under.

If you would like a brief bio and link placed to your website(s), please indicate this when sending in your article and a link will be created at the end of your piece.

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What format should I use to submit something?

Please send your articles in plain text format. If you really wish to, you can send them as an attachment, but they must be in .txt or .doc format. I will not accept anything that is .pdf, .htm, .html, etc.

If there are any graphics (.gif, .jpg or .txt [ASCII] accepted only) you wish to include with your article, indicate where you wish them to be placed in the text by indicating like this: < insert sigil.jpg > (or whatever the filename may be). Please send it in with your article, or provide accurate URLs as to where I may locate them. If not found, it wont be included.

The images must be original, or you must have permission to use them. If I find that they are not original, or that you do not have permission to use them I will remove the image(s) and your article immediately.

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Now that you've (hopefully) read the above information and are still defiantly interested in submitting an original article/graphic to Spiral Nature you're ready to submit.

Please send your article/graphic to the following address: submit[at]spiralnature[dot]com.

Quick check:

  • Original material.
  • No spelling or grammatical errors.
  • What you are submitting is in plain text, .txt, .gif, or ,jpg format.
  • All attachments are attached.
  • All requests have been made.

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When will it be up?

To be quite frank, I don't have a regular update schedule, so I cannot guarantee it will be updated immediately upon submission. If, after two weeks, you haven't received a reply from me, please feel free to send a follow up e-mail to webmaster[at]spiralnature[dot]com to ensure the submission was received.

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Changes and removal

Once it's up, if you have any changes, additions, etc that you'd like to make to the article/graphic feel free to submit them to submit@spiralnature.com and I will get to it as quickly as possible. If after a week I still haven't given any indication to you that I've at least received your e-mail, please resubmit your change.

If you would like your article/graphic removed send in your request to webmaster[at]spiralnature[dot]com indicating why you wish it to be removed.

I also reserve the right to remove any article or graphic from this site at any time, though it's unlikely that I will. Once an article is up I usually leave it there unchanged until a request has been made for me to do otherwise.

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